Monday, June 11, 2018

House of Words (FOMO)

Wearing: EllaB & Co. Pirate Flag Poncho Tunic- Navy

I recently listed "FOMO" as my word of the week and have pretty much hash tagged it for every post or picture this week.  I learned the meaning, "Fear Of Missing Out" while listening to a podcast earlier this week, and a lightbulb went off! That pretty much defines my every move or thought.
Ever since I was young I had to be in the know or in the crowd or invited to the party or be in the middle of planning or whatever was going on bc I didn't want to miss out.  I was always afraid I was going to miss out if I wasn't there.  Even as an adult, any opportunity or thought that comes my way I've got to try it or squeeze it in my schedule and sometimes it messes up the people around me, because I'm no longer a single adult.  I have a child, and a family and I am gonna have to miss out on some things so that I don't miss out on others.  What might seem like it would be a better choice or should I say more enjoyable choice for me, may not actually be the right or the best choice.
FOMO is probably something I'm always going to struggle with because thats always how it's been for me. I'm all about the moment.

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