Friday, June 15, 2018

House of Skin (Holy Grail of Skin Treatments)

I totally need a gallon of coffee today! My five year-old likes to stay up all night during the summer it seems, and since the summer just started I've kind of let her have her fun, but I cannot go on like this!  Bed time is going to be enforced tonight!

But anyways, Happy Friday! I know a lot of you have tons of plans for the weekend and maybe not, maybe you're gonna relax all weekend which is what I would do if I wasn't working all weekend.

So anyways today is all about the Holy Grail of skin treatments!
Everyone needs one whether you have problem skin or not, this will keep you glowing all summer and aging gracefully! 

It's microdermabrasion!

Now there are different types of microdermabrasions and I can only truly describe the ones I've used and write from my experience of what I've seen work for my clients.

The first we will discuss is the Crystal Microdermabrasion

And again there are so many different types of crystal microdermabrasion machines and I haven't necessarily used this machine but this machine gives you the best view.  

On this picture where the #1 is, would be where the crystals would be, and #2 is where the used crystals and dead skin end up. The nozzle you see is connected to the side and that's what goes across your skin in hash tag motions. It shoots the crystals out and at the same time has a suction going to suck up the crystals and dead skin. The skin therapist can control the level of suction and crystals that come out. Every machine is different with their on specific levels.

*now before we go any further I must say that with the microdermabrasion, beauty is not pain*
I learned my lesson with my first Microderm.  No one told me that it wasn't supposed to hurt and I had them turn the machine almost all the way up, but about half way through the service we realized it was over microderming my skin in which those hash tag movements I spoke about were very noticeable on my face like red railroad tracks all over my face for about two weeks. It also brought out every previous break out I probably had that year so for the first time in my life I looked like a teen with acne (which I never had even when I was a teen).
I couldn't wear makeup and my skin was so sensitive in general to touch and to the sunlight which caused me to burn even with sunscreen. 

So this is why you definitely need to know that this machine should not hurt and turning it up will not give you gorgeous skin quicker, it can scar you. I have one small scar on my jawl bone from that first Microderm. What I describe it should feel like is a cat licking your face.

I don't want to scare you away from this treatment because I do believe it can be the best non-evasive treatment for all skin problems such as:

dark spots
fine lines
small scarring

Some dark spots and small scarring can be lightened or completely fade with multiple treatments.

The next type of microdermabrasion is the diamond tip.

There are no crystals in this machine. It works with this nozzle which is flat with a rough surface and can be changed to make the surface rougher. There is some suction that can be adjusted, and is usually used in combination with a serum or gel to glide over the skin gently.  Again this should not hurt.

So what's the best? Well each machine is great in it's on way and has it's pros and cons.  The crystal is  stronger and can give faster results but you must be carful and not go to fast turning up the machine. The diamond sloughs off dead skin and is not as abrasive as the crystal machine.
So what do I recommend?

I recommend this machine:

This is the Satin Smooth Dermaradiance machine and gives you the best of both worlds!

But instead of using crystals it uses flower grains! And best of all those flower grains can be customized for your skin type:

Tea Tree Flower grains for oily or acne skin
Lavender for sensitive skin
Rose for aging skin

The flower grains are much finer than the crystals and are less abrasive but just enough to give you that deep exfoliation.

After using the flower grains, they are washed off and a Oxygen Serum is applied and then the machine is switched to diamond tip and the wand glides over to slough off what's left behind.

I use this machine everyday, and I absolutely love the results I see from my clients skin with all ranges of problems.  It's recommend to have a treatment every two weeks for the first three- four treatments and then once a month for maintenance.

I can do this service in thirty minutes or forty-five if you want to add the Satin Smooth Collagen building Honey and Milk Mask which I highly recommend after having this service done.
It calms and cools the skin as well as boosting collagen!

This is my co-worker Ashlee with the Satin Smooth Mask on after her Microdermabrasion Treatment.

And this is a little boomerang video Ashlee took while I was doing her Microdermabrasion.

I always for get to do before and after shots of my clients and have made a note to start doing so, and I will share those as soon as I get my before and afters!

But right now I do have a special going for all new clients and this would be a great time to try this treatment. A thirty minute Microderm with the Satin Smooth Mask is normally $70, but with this special you get it for $55.

Microdermabrasion in my area run anywhere for $80 and up.  So either way we have the best prices around and most don't do both the grains and the diamond tip.  So your are getting even a better treatment and a lower cost.  

If you are interested in booking this treatment with me just click here. and choose the 30 minute Microderm.

If you are not in my area and would like more info on Microderm or have any other questions please email me at or click the contact page!

Have a Fabulous Friday!!

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