Tuesday, June 19, 2018

House of Skin (My Tanning Secrets Revealed!!)

So Happy Tuesday! Sorry it's been a hot minute since Ive had a chance to blog. I worked all weekend and yesterday had my hair touched up and actually took a well needed nap!!

But I'm back and here to reveal all of my Tanning Secrets!
I used to be a Sun worshipper (which I will probably pay for in about 10 years). I would lay on the beach all day with only oil, I enjoyed going to the tanning bed on a daily basis.
so yea I loved to be tan and I really loved all that Vitamin D!

But some of you may or may not know that I did have bone cancer in 2007-2008 and every since then I tend to try to stay away from things that may cause cancer, because I have lived the cancer life and it is no fun! And I do not want to do it again!

Before all Self Tanners I use at home I exfoliate and use a lotion before doing any self tan at home. It makes it go on smoother.

Even when I spent my days in the tanning bed I would still sometimes use a self tanner that I loved called : Body Drench Quick Tan

This stuff is the most perfect tan and I would still use it now but it makes a little mess since it is a spray. I would say use the shower but it still seems to coat everything, you can't really see that it has coated the walls  or baseboards until you are actually cleansing and you get this pink film on your cloth as you wipe.  So the safest place to use this stuff is outside, but that might not work out for everyone.

The best is the mousse and make sure you use a tanning mit. It goes on smooth with a color guide and  is a beautiful color once it completely dries.

St. Moriz Dark tanning mouse is probably the best bang for your buck!
You will also want to use a tanning mitt for this as well but I like the color and the smell so much! and the price point is amazing!!

So those are my favorite self tanners for home but my favorite things to do is just go get a professional spray tan at Sun Kissed Tans in Gastonia, North Carolina which is located in Halo Hair Salon

This gives you the perfect tan every time and they can adjust the tan level. Yes I do tan nude, but you can wear a bathing suit or whatever makes you feel more comfortable because some one is literally painting your body and some are a little more modes than others. I'm not modes at all so I could care less.

This is my girl Holy who sprays me and this is before I got sprayed.

Here's another unfiltered image. (we like to keep it real on this blog!)

This is right after she finished spraying me. And with professional spray tans the prep is a little different. I do exfoliate but I do not put on lotion. And the spray tan they use is a natural formula.
The tan lasts about 1-2 weeks, just depending on how often you shower and your lotions. I take baths normally so mine will last about a week.  If you take a shower it could last longer and you really want to stay moisturized but not with oils. Those can break up your tan, so use a lotion.
Another thing to remember is to wear loose clothing after your spray tan and flip flops so that you don't get any unwanted marks.

Sleeping is a strategy that I try to work with not getting the spray tan all over everything. I normally get my spray tans at night, so this may not happen as bad if you do it during the day time. I always put a large beach towel down to protect my sheets but my pillow I just wash.

So this is a pic of the very next morning. I normally take a tank like this and my pajama shorts to wear after my spray tan and flip flops. But the tan looks natural and I love it. This is definitely my preferred tanning method. I use the home self tanners if something comes up or to make my spray tan last a little longer.

Have any questions just comment below!
Have a great day!

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