Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hitting the Reset button (Wellness Wednesday)

It's Hump Day, and boy and I'm on a Hump and stuck.
I'm am just not with it this week at all.  Do you ever have those days or weeks where you're questioning every single decision?
Well, this week has definitely got me struggling.  

I know I am normally blogging about beauty and I love it, but every now and then I'm gonna have to hit you with some real life stuff.  Not everyday is a magical makeup land for me and I'm sure it's not that way for you either, so here's to keeping it real.

I was originally supposed to do a photoshoot today for this blog and for my Mercari Closet, but I canceled last night because I just couldn't even get myself together enough to pack up my things or give myself a tan (didn't have time to schedule my spray tan). All I wanted to do was sleep!! And thats all I really feel like doing is sleeping or just let me lay in the bed, in a cool, dark room...

No, I don't think I'm depressed, I just need a boost.  A total Wellness day would be lovely.  A day where I can lay around and do nothing, or if someone wants to send me to a spa I would totally take you up on it!

Just a reset button to get me back on schedule and the right path.  I think we could all use a reset button every once in a while.  So I did the best I could do today with a bubble bath and a bubble mask, and even a little bath yoga!

It helped to clear my mind a bit and helped me realize I need a cleanse and a daily exercise routine.  Having that first workout yesterday really did give me a buzz yesterday, but I was sore this morning and after the afternoon appointment with the chiropractor yesterday too, I decided a little bath tub yoga was all that I could handle today. but I definitely will be doing a cleanse tomorrow (because I decided to treat myself to a cupcake today for having such a realization today) and I'm gong back to the gym in august or as soon as I can get my membership rolling again, but till then I'm still planning to research the Pinterst work out routines from Friday's Post.

I have to say the area routine has really got my me feeling like a body builder today!

And lots of water, I feel like my body is so dehydrated and I need lots to drink. I also need lots of meditation, maybe some crystals and some new oils... lol

I just feel a hippie vibe coming on strong and the need to just cleanse and detox, and no worries I will share with you as my reset begins....

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