Thursday, July 19, 2018

Crystals and God (Thursday Therapy)

Happy Thursday!
I'm still feeling a headache that started yesterday morning, mainly from being on my computer so much, looking down. but I've propped it up so that it's eye level and taken some meds to help, hopefully it will go away soon!

So todays topic is a little controversial.  Everyone seems to be delving into this crystal thing, even I purchased one the other day I found at TJMax for $14 bucks.  I can't even remember what kind it is but it's pretty!  And I have a salt lamp, which my mom also has a salt lamp to help give off positive energy, but when I told her I was sticking my new crystal outside to cleanse it (you should cleanse all your crystals no matter what you believe because you never know how many people have touched it and it can hold negative energy as well as positive) my mom was like are you trying to heal with that? You could tell she was against that thought of it, and I already knew this, but I was like no, it's pretty.
Which is partly true, I don't believe crystals can heal exactly, but like the salt lamps I do believe they can put off positive energy, plus they are beautiful and God made them, even if you just have them as decor it's another example of the beauty God can create.

So are crystals bad? I am a Christian, and here is what I found that I thought was interesting:

"Crystals were created by God. They are beautiful creations that grow deep within the earth. These geometrically designed tools are powerful because they can store, focus, transmit, transform, and amplify energy. They are affected by their surroundings.
A crystal syncs with the earth’s energy field. Since your body does the same, this mineral can harmonize the energy within and around you, balancing the ratio of positive & negative ions. Each crystal also has a unique vibration and frequency (due to its crystalline structure and color). This allows them to assist in healing designated areas of the body, as they may encourage unhealthy cells to vibrate at the same frequency of healthy cells."
"In the Bible, you will we find crystals, gemstones, and rocks mentioned several times, like in Revelation 21. In Exodus 28, we find crystals and gemstones were used in Aaron’s breastplate. It was made according to the design given by God to Moses. This breastplate was important because it was how God revealed His plan to His people. The breastplate was designed so that all the twelve tribes of Israel were engraved on the stones. Aaron was a high priest, and whenever he went to speak to the Lord on behalf of the people, he would wear this breastplate."
"This breastplate was used as a means to help him and God’s people make Godly decisions.The gemstones used in the breastplate were: Jasper, Sardius, Agate, Amethyst, Beryl, Onyx, Topaz, Carbuncle, Ligure, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond."
"Now, one reason some believe crystal healing is wrong is because some healers say they use spirit guides to help them in their healing sessions. Or they use stones to attract love, bring luck, gain guidance for life decisions, and some use them as a tool to try to communicate with angels or God. As you can see in the passage above, some of this was taken from the Bible. We know that satan and his minions roam the earth. They are deceivers and manipulate the Bible so they can lead people away from the truth."
"We don’t need a high priest because Jesus Christ is our High Priest.  And we don’t need crystals or gemstones (or anything) to help us communicate with God. Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead, bringing Christians closer to God. If your Faith lies in Jesus Christ, and you have been reborn into His Eternal family, you now have the Holy Spirit that lives in you as your Spirit Guide who you can talk to whenever you want. And we can see God’s crystals (and all of creation) as symbols and gifts."- Trinity Phix

Which In this case I think about how my mom wheres copper bracelets to help her joints and told me to get a copper ankle brace when I had sprang isn't that the same...using copper to aid in healing?
Also I think about the new oil craze, don't get me wrong I love oils and have seen wonderful benefits even when I have these headaches that I'm currently experiencing as I write this. My mom and I both have oils for all types of concerns. 
"Now, using these gifts in practical ways to assist in healing should not be too hard to grasp. If you think about it, when you wear a ring with a crystal in it, you may be unknowingly healing yourself with this method of healing (as you will see in my next post)."
"However, I also know that we all have weaknesses and strengths, and we are all at different stages. So it may be unwise for you to do something that someone else does as you might fall into traps, like using crystals as a quick fix for soul issues that require capitulation and God’s Spiritual healing. Since crystals are a stabilized form of energy, they connect more easily to your being. So it is a must that one does not allow these earthly tools to become a crutch or to replace God for certain needs. This is why you must seek His guidance with all things."
"But once you eliminate using crystals in the wrong way (like with sex, wine, & other creations… etc), you are left with another part of creation that can aid in healing."-Trinity Phix

I know that there are certain stones that are suppose to attract money or love or whatever and I Do Not Believe in that aspect, but I do believe in the energy of a stone just like the energy of people, and here is what the the second post had to say about he healing of stones, although I didn't post about using the stones to drink water or to place stones on your body, I'm not really down with that, but I do believe having them around your home like a salt lamp or the aroma or essential oils can help heal:
"You can also take your stones of choice and leave them around your home or office. You will still reap some of the benefits that will assist in healing. But, it may not be as strong as wearing it or drinking it."
"Two stones you may want to leave around your home or office are Tourmaline and Amethyst; they emit negative ions like all crystals, but they can be especially helpful in your home. Tourmaline can cancel out harmful radiation pretty well, and amethyst is known to be calming, like lavender."
"If you are using a stone for direct healing purposes (ex. placing directly on a person’s body), you should cleanse (or clear) the stone after a session as the crystal may need to be reset to its natural, balanced state."
"However, Citrine, Selenite & Kyanite are exceptions because they are self-cleaning stones. All other stones you will want to cleanse routinely to give them a fresh start."
"There, now you have various methods to start healing yourself with another part of God’s Creation. Remember, it is best to have a customized, holistic plan to tackle issues. I focus on my spiritual, soul, and physical health to cover all bases. And when I can, I use crystals with the connecting herb or food that matches my unique makeup. I really like using stones because they are reusable. As long as you care for them, they should be your friends for many years to come."
"If you are going to be studying about crystal healing, be sure you are in constant communication with God because there is a lot of heshblue out there. This is toxic, so you must be grounded in God’s Word so that you are not deceived." -Trinity Phix

You can read more from Trinity Phix Posts Here and even do your own research.  I believe God created all of these wonderful things to help us here on earth however He is the ultimate and one and only that can heal us and save us. So like it says above, if you are studying crystals definitely pray with God about all of your issues and never solely depend on oils, salt lamps, crystals, or even medicine to completely heal you from your elements, because there is only One true healer and that is God.
Hoped this helped! xoxo, Jessica

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